Added "Apply Connection" feature in the asset list for easy connection authorization requests by applicants, providing a more user-friendly experience.
Introduced "Request Form" option in the profile page for applicants to view and track all submitted forms and statuses, enhancing page functionality.
Reviewers can now access "Approve or Reject Forms" conveniently via the page header to efficiently handle pending forms, simplifying the review process.
Added "Form History" on the review forms page for reviewers to easily track and manage form histories, providing comprehensive records.
Feature Toggle Optimization (Controlled by License)
Unified Interface for Asset Lists (Including Devices, Web Applications, DB Servers)
The term "web application" has been replaced with "region switching" to better convey the purpose of this functionality.
Mavis: Issue Resolutions
Fixed: Remote vSphere 6.7 Console Issue
Fixed: Remote GCP-SSH Full-Screen Issue
Fixed: Video playback failure caused by upgrade
Fixed: Incorrect text display during DB server batch deletion
Fixed: Adjusted logic for displaying IP field on the Access service page
Fixed: Occasional missing password causing login failure in GCP connection for web applications
Fixed: Maximum display limit of 15 roles after role creation